Google announced that soon, users will be able to back up any files from their computer to Google Drive.
In a blog post, Google revealed it has created two new programs, Backup and Sync, that will allow users to keep all of their data in a safe place in case the computer were to not work anymore. Here is part of the blog post, the rest can be found on Google’s official blog:
“On June 28th, 2017, we will launch Backup and Sync from Google, a tool intended to help everyday users back up files and photos from their computers, so they’re safe and accessible from anywhere. Backup and Sync is the latest version of Google Drive for Mac/PC, which is now integrated with the Google Photos desktop uploader. As such, it will respect any current Drive for Mac/PC settings in the Admin console.
Backup and Sync is primarily intended for consumer users. We recommend that our G Suite customers continue to use Drive for Mac/PC until our new enterprise-focused solution, Drive File Stream (currently in EAP), is made generally available to all G Suite Basic, Business, Enterprise, Education, and Nonprofit domains later this year. Drive File Stream will allow users to access huge corporate data sets without taking up the equivalent space on their hard drives.
With that in mind, we will not automatically upgrade G Suite users from Drive for Mac/PC to Backup and Sync at this time. If you currently allow your users to install Drive for Mac/PC on their own computers, they will be able to download and upgrade to Backup and Sync starting on Wednesday, June 28th. If you don’t currently allow Google Drive for Mac/PC in your organization, your users won’t be able to use Backup and Sync with their G Suite accounts.
For more details, check out the resources below starting on June 28th. If you’re interested in trying Drive File Stream, sign up for the Early Adopter Program (EAP) today.”
Google Drive was originally launched back in 2012 and had over 10 million users just after the first couple months of launch, according to Tech Crunch. This may open a door for more consumers who wish to backup and sync their data from their computer to the web, although Google Drive competitor Dropbox already has this function. The Dropbox application can be downloaded straight to your computer, and it will set up a folder specifically for Dropbox usage.
But, unlike Google Drive, Dropbox can’t make its own files. Google has the option to create a document, sheet, slide presentation, form, drawings, maps, and even a website maker. Google Drive users also get 15 GB free of storage. To increase their storage capacity, users can pay either $1.99 per month for 100 GB, $9.99 per month for 1 TB, $19.99 per month for 2 TB, $99.99 per month for 10 TB, $199.99 for 20 TB, and $299.99 for 30TB.
Dropbox, on the other hand, only includes 2 GB of free space and unless users want to refer their friends to Dropbox to earn more. Dropbox offers the same price for 1 TB of storage for one year as Google Drive and also includes Dropbox Business, which are select plans for businesses. Also, any document, sheet or slide made in Google Drive will not go towards your storage plan, making it more accessible.
Backup and Sync for Google Drive will be available on June 28 of this year for all users. It can be used if the user already has Google Drive directly installed to their computer, and not just have the web version. Instructions on how to do this can be found at G Suite Administrator Help.
Featured image via Pixabay/Mizter_x94.