PS4 will be getting some classic games later this month, Square Enix announced earlier that several of the beloved role-playing games from the series Dragon Quest will be released on PS4 and Nintendo 3Ds later this month. The original game Dragon Quest and Dragon Quest II will be released on August 10th in Japan.
Dragon Quest is a series of turn based action role-playing games where players will be able to travel around the world of Alefgard, fighting monsters, building weapons, and working together with other characters to protect Alefgard from evil. The classic games will be available at the affordable prices of 600 yen and 850 yen, respectively. The third installment of the game Dragon Quest III currently has no scheduled release unlike its predecessors but is expected to be released later this month as well, but at the much higher price of 1,500 yen.
Square Enix has also announced that Dragon Quest Builders 2 is currently in development, the game will be center around the same building aspect as the original Dragon Quest, where after an alternate ending to the original Dragon Quest players will be able to rebuild the land of Alefgard from scratch. The game will feature big improvements from the original game and will offer cooperative online multiplayer gameplay, the ability for players to use a glider to soar through the skies, and a new feature where players can swim underwater.
Currently, there is no word on whether or not these Dragon Quest games will see a worldwide release, but Square Enix has announced that Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Exclusive Age will be coming to North America and Europe in 2018. As of now, there is no talk from Square Enix about a possible worldwide release of the three Dragon Quest games but Square Enix has brought over titles from the series before so bringing seeing these titles make a possible worldwide release is something that fans should look forward to. Happy gaming!