It was bound to happen eventually.
As the never-ending tide of Battle Royale games continue to sweep further and further over the swath of what once had been wholly original game content, it was only a matter of time before the dams would break. It was only a matter of time before every game under the sun, whether it was originally a first or third-person shooter, a city-building sim, an idle clicker game or turn-based strategy game would eventually fall to the reign of the Battle Royale. So what are you, a lone, poor indie developer to do in this new age of Battle Royale gaming?
Make a Battle Royale. Duh.
Battle Royale Tycoon (BRT) is the most accurate simulator game for the current gaming environment, because it allows you to simulate what literally every single active game developer is currently trying to do: Make a Battle Royale.
BRT puts you in control. Is it all about the survival? Is it gritty and realistic? Fun and cartoonish? Is it set in a wasteland flooded with nuclear wastes, or a forest where players must craft arrows and weapons out of wood and stone? Don’t look at me, I don’t know. And, quite frankly, I’m not too sure the people making these Battle Royale games know either. But if someone’s got to figure it out, BRT will make that process a whole lot easier.
BRT releases in late 2018, and is focusing on systems and gameplay over graphics, using a cartoonish art style to cover its visual bases while it focuses on gameplay (similar to a certain well known Battle Royale title). According to the title’s Steam page, this tycoon will put all the most exciting parts of building a Battle Royale into your control.
Players will be able to…
- Custom build a Battle Royale arena, complete with cover, spawn points, and other necessities.
- Design rules and set the game modes; After all, even if your game is first and foremost a Battle Royale experience, you’ve gotta have at least a few other game modes in there, right?
- Listen to your annoying, bratty, ungrateful fan base as they constantly badger you for not following along with their terrible ideas and complain that the vanilla version of your Battle Royale was better than the updated version.
- Maintain your arenas after battles, cleaning up all the barriers and objects that players have damaged, and prepping the next group of idiots to run around and shoot each other in your virtual kill-zone.
All jokes aside, the game is still in early development. Currently, all that is available is a few short previews and some sparse details, but the cute animations of tiny players running around from a birds-eye view certainly looks endearing enough to keep us interested.
Whether or not you’re a fan of Gaming’s new Battle Royale overlords, you might want to stick around for the development of this adorable little sim that’s looking to capitalize on modern trends in a slightly different way than most other developers.
It’s an interesting bit of innovation in a genre that is seriously starved for significant innovations. And it’s also not technically a Battle Royale game! So hats off to independent Developer and Publisher Endless Loop Studios for finding a way to both resist conforming to and conform to modern market trends at the exact same time.
Featured Image via the official Battle Royale Tycoon Steam Page

Matt Cole
July 11, 2018 at 3:16 pm
I can’t wait to try it!