Put down your Mountain Dew and Doritos, because Activision has announced that they will be collaborating with Rockstar Energy Drink and Pop-Tarts for cool prizes in Destiny 2 according to a blog post on Activision’s blog.
“Destiny 2 is heading your way starting on September 6 for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, and on October 24 for the PC. Which means you have just a few short weeks to prepare yourself. Thankfully, Bungie and Activision have partnered with Rockstar Energy Drink and Pop-Tarts toaster pastries to fuel your Destiny 2 gaming experience, complete with in-game items and XP boosts to keep you going,” said Kevin Kelly, the editorial manager for Activision.
For Rockstar Energy Drink, there will be Destiny 2 themed cans that can grant a player in-game gear for your character (although it doesn’t specify if it’s weapons, armor or both). Also, players can enter multiple sweepstakes with these cans and could also possibly win a Destiny 2 themed motorbike.
For Pop-Tarts, there will be Destiny 2 themed Pop-Tarts boxes that will reward players with XP Boosts (experience boosts). Each Destiny 2 box of Pop-Tarts will be specified by either the Titan, Warlock or Hunter class, encouraging players to collect them.
“Whether you’re pushing back against Ghaul’s invading foot soldiers, or forcing your opponents to eat crow in PVP, Rockstar and Pop-Tarts are a perfect complement to your adventures in Destiny 2 and beyond,” said Kelly.
Previously, the original Destiny game collaborated with Red Bull on the Red Bull Quest, which was a pre-release for The Taken King expansion. It also gave players a free XP Boost. In order to play the quest, players would have to buy a Destiny themed pack of Red Bull to get an access code that will open up the quest for them, according to the Red Bell official website.
The Red Bull quest in Destiny, once completed, offered players an upgrade to the SR-0 Sparrow Swiftriver, turning it into the SR-1 Swiftriver (Sparrows are land vehicles used to move around during quests in Destiny) according to Game Rant.
Unfortunately, many people who actually bought Red Bull cans were denied access to the quest because scammers were using the codes without needing to buy Red Bull, according to IGN. They said that scammers realized the patterns within each code, making it easy for them to put in any combination of numbers before getting a correct pairing.
“In collaboration with Rockstar Energy Drink and Pop-Tarts, we chose strategic, renowned lifestyle partners in major markets to bring the Destiny 2 universe to life,” said Byron Beede, senior vice president of product management in a press release on the Destiny 2 collaboration. “We’re bringing these partners together to complement the overwhelming excitement of Destiny 2‘s launch with benefits that reward players both inside and outside of the universe.”
While this is a cool collaboration, I’m not clearly understanding why Bungie and Activision would choose this way to promote their game and to promote those specific brands, especially after codes from the Red Bull collaboration were stolen. If they wanted to approach this differently so that less players are getting scammed, I hope that they make numerous patterns for the codes so that scammers will not be able to get access to them and ruin the game for everyone else.
Besides that, I do think it’s also an interesting idea to promote a video game through the form of gamer’s two (assumed) favorite things — energy drinks and sugary foods.
Anyway, players can start redeeming their codes on September 1, according to the Kellogg Family Rewards official website. Destiny 2 will be made available on September 6 on Xbox One and PlayStation 4. The PC version will be released on October 24.
Featured image via Flickr/BagoGames.