The new AI system created by the famous social media company Facebook seems to have gone awry, reportedly the company had to shutdown one of their AI systems due to the AI bots creating their own language from scratch without any prior programming dictating them to do so, as well the bots creation of the new language defying the provided codes. This event occurred a few days after the CEO of Tesla, Elon Musk stated that Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerburg’s understanding of artificial intelligence.
The AI system’s creation of a new language sounds like something straight out of robot horror movie but reports state that the AI did not shut down computers, or send spam or anything of the sort but rather started out speaking English but later began speaking in a language that only they could understand, forcing the Facebook researchers to shutdown the AI systems and later force them to only speak English.
The AI bots began using algorithms and the “dialogue agents” were able to converse freely and even strengthen their conversational skills, and the researchers even stated that the bots became “incredibly crafty negotiators.” Researchers stated that the bot negotiation skills only improved over time. “After learning to negotiate, the bots relied on machine learning and advanced strategies in an attempt to improve the outcome of these negotiations, over time, the bots became quite skilled at it and even began feigning interest in one item in order to ‘sacrifice’ it at a later stage in the negotiation as a faux compromise.”
Some may see this as a huge breakthrough for AI many science experts including the famous Steven Hawking are afraid the AI could overtake the humans, even top business entrepreneurs, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, and Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak became concerned as to where AI technology was heading. Musk and Zuckerberg actually began arguing over Twitter about the future of AI, Zuckerberg, however, seems to believe that everyone’s fears about AI were nothing more than pessimism prior to this incident occurring. “I think people who are naysayers and try to drum up these doomsday scenarios – I just, I don’t understand it. It’s really negative and in some ways I actually think it is pretty irresponsible,” Musk on the other hand seems to be one of those naysayers that Zuckerberg was talking about, as he believes that the progression of AI technology is the “biggest risk that we face as a civilization, AI is a rare case where we need to be proactive in regulation instead of reactive because if we’re reactive in AI regulation it’s too late.” As of now there has been no further incidents involving the AI systems at Facebook and the company hopes that while they do find it to be stunning development in AI technology this will be the last that we see of it.
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