Google requires applications to provide a “readily discoverable option” to delete your account in the app and on the web. According to a Wednesday blog post, the update would provide consumers “more transparency and control over their in-app data.”
Google wants to make sure consumers don’t have to redownload applications they uninstalled before deleting their accounts. So the Google Play Store will have a box that links to the account deactivation web URL.
Developers should observe several policy exceptions. First, it states that developers must remove consumers’ data and accounts unless they have “legitimate grounds” to preserve them. (That includes legal or security needs. However, developers must clarify how they retain user data.)
This large update may require several developers to work so it won’t take effect immediately. However, Google said the “initial step” will force developers to post more data deletion details to their data safety form by December 7. After that, users can see how an app deletes accounts and data “early next year,” although developers can request an extension until May 31, 2024.
Google’s need isn’t unique. For example, apple implemented a similar regulation in June 2022. The App Store regulation includes matching criteria and limitations but does not necessitate web-based account deletion.