Grand Theft Auto Online has already introduced ramp cars, jumping rocket cars, jet cars, flying motorcycles armed with machineguns, military-grade rocket trucks, orbital strikes that players can launch against one another, tron races, flying cars, purchasable car showrooms, and more.
So what’s next? Nightclubs, obviously.
Rumors of this update had been in the mix for almost a year prior after an unused club interior from the main game mysteriously vanished from the online world. Many speculated that Rockstar wanted to do something with the space. Today, those many had their hopes confirmed: Nightclubs are on the way.
In a Twitter post by Rockstar insider Yan2295, details of the update were leaked. According to the leak, the update will not only allow users to enter and participate in nightclub activities but also to purchase their own club and customize it extensively.
Later Rockstar shared a short promotional clip that previews what your nightclub might look like in the upcoming update. The club looks packed, featuring some of the highest NPC density ever seen in Grand Theft Auto 5. Plus, being a nightclub and all, there’s no shortage of flashing lights. So much so that Rockstar might have wanted to consider dropping a seizure warning beforehand.
What’s more, the update comes complete with four additional music artists who will be adding their tracks to the nightlife of Los Santos. These artists are Tale of Us, Solomun, Dixon and The Black Madonna, and have officially confirmed their involvement in the project.
And while running the nightclub itself will be a perfectly legal operation, not everything that goes down in your nightclub will be. This is Grand Theft Auto V, after all.
“Nightclubs are the perfect cover for any other operation you might have going,” hints Rockstar Games. “…get in on the ground level as a business partner to open up a brand new establishment, and help the DJ’s make their shows the best ever.”
GTA online has already released a number of updates allowing users to activate and run their own businesses. These updates usually function as a hub for new jobs and missions while featuring customization and upgrades that allow users to earn cash passively over time. Judging from the information Rockstar has shared about the update, it seems the nightclubs will serve a similar function, albeit with some prettier, more in-depth customization and flashier lights.
“Run your nightclub business from setup, design, staffing and promotion; the more popular the club, the faster your secure wall safe will fill up. Management is honest work, a tidy way to keep income from your more seedy ventures with Disruption Logistics, The Open Road, SecuroServ and Free Trade Shipping Co. looking clean as fresh laundry.”
It’s nice to have a legal basis for all your sketchy ops, and it looks like nightclubs will be exactly that. Still, it’s quite ironic that the least-sketchy business venture available to the denizens of Grand Theft Auto Online is running a nightclub that’s basically a front for more illegal operations. Nothing that the world of Los Santos hasn’t seen before.
Look forward to GTA Online’s latest nightclubs and nightclub-based adventures, dropping into the online world sometime next month.
Featured Image Via Flickr / oO_GiuLiAnO_Oo