Netflix now makes it easier for iOS and Android users to search “My List,” a section for stored movies and TV series.
On Monday, the streaming service added filters to the My List function, allowing users to arrange titles by release date, alphabetical order, kind, and when they added them.
The new “Haven’t Started” and “Started” filters are the most useful. The new filters should help sort through the jumble for customers with many need-to-watch movies. Mobile users had to go through My List without filters to get the book they wanted.
Upgrades will start with Android. Netflix will upgrade iOS devices in the coming weeks. Subscribers can delete films and series by swiping the title cards. Before the upgrade, users had to tap the title to get to the information page and click the My List checkmark button to remove it.
Mobile updates only. A Netflix official informed TechCrunch that the TV update is not imminent. Netflix debuted My List in 2013.
In the next weeks, the streamer will roll out a “Coming Soon” row to all subscribers on the TV home screen. The “New & Popular” page shows upcoming releases. TV viewers may rapidly find new movies and shows by adding a Coming Soon row to the home page.