A new upcoming video game seems to be reminding people of the famous imaginary theme park centered around the Wild West. The upcoming video game known as Wild West Online allows gamers to be cowboys or cowgirls, saddle up, and experience life in the Wild West.
Players will be able to explore the game’s massive open environment where they will be able to journey to different towns and interact with different people. Players will be able customize their characters by visiting stores to buy drinks, weapons, and even whisky. Lastly players will be able to stop bandits from committing crimes all across the environment. Despite the game being far from completion, it as been receiving praises from those who have seen pictures depicting gameplay due to it reminding people of the imaginary theme park in the movie of the same name, Wild West, the movie centers around Wild West, Medieval, and Roman theme parks where visitors are able to interact with mechanical androids that look surprisingly human-like, however, the movie takes a turn for the worse when the androids begin to malfunction and kill all of the visitors.
Wild West Online shares some similarities with the movie according to developers because every time players log into the servers they will always be full of people they could either be friends who want to help you on your journey or foes trying to rob you of your possessions. However, some people have become confused believing that this game will be based off the movie Wild West and the developers would like to let people know that it will not, this is a completely separate game with the only similarities being that both the movie and the game have similarities in the fact one of the theme parks in the movie was Western themed and this entire game is Western themed there will be no malfunctioning androids trying to kill the player at a theme park unfortunately. As of now, there is no official release date for when the game is supposed to be released, but for those who want to try the game before it is finished can play the game in the “Early Access” version. Players who do so will be guaranteed a copy when the full game is released. The full game will be available for $19.99 or $59.99 for those who want to access more content. Happy gaming!
Featured Image via Pixaby