Graphics Card manufacturer AMD is doing everything it can to attract the budget-conscious gamer. Last week, they introduced the RX 470, the ideal card for gamers in the market for a $200 card to maximize their gaming experience at 1080p and this week they have a new ace up their sleeve, the RX 460.
This card is being marketed by AMD for the sole purpose of being an eSports card. This card is said to give gamers who spend the majority of their day playing games like Counter Strike Global Offensive and DoTA 2, the highest level of performance at the lowest cost.
The card features 14 compute units and up to 2.2 teraflops of computing power. While this means that the card won’t perform very well in demanding AAA titles, however, that is not the intention behind it either.
The RX 460 is advertised to have a total system power draw of 127W the Sapphire Nitro RX 460 4 GB edition can run directly off the motherboard without any power supply connection. The card still has a six-pin power connector for those looking to overclock the card which is possible thanks to the twin fan cooler, which keeps the card fairly cool at a full load.
As the RX 460 is primarily an eSports card, it has no trouble running either CSGO or Overwatch at max settings at 1080p. The card registered an average frame rate of 179 and 53 frames per second respectively on both the games.
Other games like The Division are a bit of a different story. The RX 460 managed to put up a decent 32 frames per second, which is perfectly acceptable for its price range and even managed 21 frames in Rise of The Tomb Raider at max settings at 1080p resolution. You can also lower the anti-aliasing and textures down to medium to get around 35 FPS.
Despite being an entry-level graphics card, the RX 460 it manages to beat the GTX 750ti and even manages scratch the GTX 950 in certain situations. AMD has priced the 4GB variant of the RX 460’s reference card at around $200, which is close to certain variants of the GTX 960, a card that it has no hopes of beating in benchmarks.
Despite all this, if you’re into eSports and are doing a budget build, then picking this card up is a no-brainer. It skillfully combines price and power.