The critics at the online movie review website Rotten Tomatoes are famous for usually having accurate reviews for movies due to their critiques holding nothing back whether it be good or bad and it seems as though they have found what they believe to be one of the worst movies they’ve seen in a while. “The Emoji Movie” releases today and critics who have already seen the movie aren’t very happy about it, one movie critic stated, “This failed attempt to create a story from a texting trend makes the worst comic book adaptation look like Shakespeare.”
The movie centers around emojis, the colorful set of small images on our phones that we use to express how we feel, in the move the “meh” emoji named Gene, goes on an adventure in a teen’s phone and unfortunately, the critics at rotten tomatoes did not like the movie at all and gave it a 0%.
Critics state that movie is nothing more than a rip-off of Pixar’s inside out, two rogue emojis set out to find the purpose of their existence ( a plot critics called unoriginal) and while this is not necessarily the plot of Pixar’s “Inside Out” where viewers are taken on a journey inside of a young girl’s head alongside a young girl’s 5 main emotion, according to critics the movie has similar parts and beats that are better executed in “Inside Out.”
The second big problem critics found with the movie is that there are parts in the movie where it appears more as a commercial for Sony who created the movie, during the movie apparently there are various parts where Sony products are highlighted even the phone where the emojis live are is a Sony smartphone. The actors in the movie are unfortunately another reason why critics are giving the movie a big thumbs down as Patrick Stewart plays the poop emoji in the movie and T. J. Miller plays Gene, the main character but apparently even their acting could not save the movie, according to critics Miller had more of a “meh” personality than Gene (who ironically is supposed to have a ton of personality).
James Corden, Anna Faris, and Maya Rudolph are also actors in the movie and critics say that Corden’s running gag in the movie is too obvious and gets redundant very quickly, his character keeps throwing up a candy corn and eating it over and over again. Lastly, the biggest with the movie is the same comment that was stated prior, it’s apparently very idiotic, critics have compared the movie to others done by Pixar and even the Lego movies and even though they weren’t expecting much from the movie they still expected it to be somewhat on par with them. The New York Times review entitled, “The Emoji Movie Can’t Escape Its Own Idiocy” stated, “For a long time, Hollywood has been propagating the idea that the panderingly, trendily idiotic can be made to seem less so, by polishing it up with bright shiny gloss and enlisting engaging talented performers and writers. I can’t be entirely certain of this, but I would say ‘The Emoji Movie’ takes this notion to the outer limits of credibility.” “The Emoji Movie” is in theaters now and even though the reviews say that it’s not the best movie available right now, it never hurts to see it for yourself and be the judge, maybe even bring your children along to see it.
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