The upcoming third-person character action title Darksiders 3 has finally gotten a release date announcement – and it’s sooner than expected.
According to official announcements from THQ Nordic, Darksiders 3 will be dropping on November 27th, 2018. That’s the day after Black Friday.
In addition, the title has rolled out a few recent new gameplay clips along with the details on the special editions of the game that will be made available.
First things first: Anyone up to sign on for the Pre-Order will gain access to the exclusive Fury Armor, which has been described as a completely original skin that will be visible at all times during gameplay, but will not affect your gameplay experience. And for a third-person singleplayer game, that’s pretty good; Being able to swap up your character’s appearance is never a bad thing.
Now, on to the big boys:
The game will release on the Xbox One, PC and PS4, but only those purchasing on the Xbox or Playstation systems will have access to the digital deluxe edition. This version weighs in at $72, up from the $60 base, with the added benefit of including both pieces of paid DLC that will be launched for the game in the future – at a discounted price, of course.
There’s also the $99 Blades & Whip Edition, which features all of the above-listed benefits as well as the definitive editions (that means all DLC is included) of the last two Darksiders game. That’s the complete trilogy in one neat little package.
And if you think you’ve seen everything out to offer, you must be new here. Both of the undermentioned special editions were digital downloads. That means there’s still a whole class of special editions that has yet to be covered: The Physical Purchases.
First up in the ring is the Darksiders III: Collectors Edition
Weighing in at $150 of pure Gaming Goodness, this physical box drops with an 11″ high figurine of Darksiders III Protagonist Fury, a sexy premium box, an exclusive artbook, sketchbook, and all included Pre-Order Exclusive and upcoming DLC!
Last – And Certainly Not Least – The Darksiders III: Apocolyptic Edition
A staggering $400 of Darksiders – based Physical Swag, with a premium 46″ long box, a 30″ x 40″ Wall Scroll, and four – count ’em – four full figurines, one for each horseman: Fury, War, Death, and Vulgrim. That also includes everything else from the first physical editions not already here, like the Steelbook, Artbook, full game soundtrack, and, of course, physical game disk with all DLC and exclusive content included.
With the game’s launch just a few short months away, you don’t have much time. You must look deep within yourself and decide how far you’re willing to go, how deep into the hellish depths of your wallet you are willing to reach – and only through this test of endurance and wealth will you uncover how many silly little physical goodies will come with your purchase of Darksiders III.