After players on PC complained that NieR: Automata was experiencing issues, PlatinumGames decided to figure out a way to solve this issues. Unfortunately, PlatinumGames hasn’t found a solution to the problem and released a statement to Eurogamer as to why NieR: Automata on PC was taking so long to fix.
“Square Enix and PlatinumGames are working with PC device manufacturers, like AMD, to address the issues with the Steam version of the game because some of the issues are not what Square Enix and PlatinumGames alone can resolve fundamentally. With AMD’s help, Square Enix and PlatinumGames have successfully resolved some of the issues, and we hope to achieve similar results with other hardware makers. We appreciate your continued patience and support for NieR: Automata,” said a Square Enix representative to Eurogamer.
PC Gamer noted that some of the issues include the game’s inability to fit a 1920×1080 screen, the inability for the game to run at 60 fps (players with beefy graphic cards even said the game refused to run at 60 fps), and the game crashing.
“All combined, these issues make for a playable but somewhat disappointing port—at least until a hypothetical patch comes out. I’m willing to play Nier: Automata under these conditions (only because I really want to play it) but performance sticklers beware. At least with Steam’s refund policy, you can test it and then put your $60/£40 toward another game if it doesn’t run to your liking,” said PC Gamer in their PC port review of NieR: Automata.
NieR: Automata has sold a little bit less than 500,000 copies on PC, according to SteamSpy. Despite the backlash the game has received for being unable to work on PC, NieR: Automata still has mostly positive reviews on Steam, where the game is available for $59.99.
In one Steam review from user KohakuKen, they criticize the game, not because the game itself isn’t good, but because there hasn’t been an update since NieR: Automata came out on March 17 of this year.
“Let’s first get a few things out of the way. The many bad reviews you see on here? They are probably justified, not because [NieR: Automata] – the game is bad, but because [NieR: Automata] – the PC Port is (quite notoriously) horrendous. The game still has not received a single update since release, yet Square Enix had the gall to push out DLC while ignoring every single complaint regarding the PC port. I personally was lucky enough not to run into issues, so I won’t go into detail here, but be warned that this is by no means true for everyone,” they said in their review of the game. 141 users out of 160 users found the review helpful.
The game was released earlier this year to extremely positive reviews, according to Metacritic. One critic from Digitally Downloaded called NieR: Automata “the greatest game ever made” (he was reviewing it for PlayStation 4).
“Put simply, NieR: Automata is the greatest game ever made. It’s not just that it is the deepest and most narratively potent game ever developed – and it is a truly deep narrative experience – but more than that, Yoko Taro has finally found perhaps the developer on the planet capable of doing his visionary work justice,” said the Digitally Downloaded reviews, which can also be found here. “This game is a true, genuine work of art, and anyone who wants to prove that gaming does possess an equivalent to the greatest novels, operas, theatre plays, or paintings, now has that very game to point to. Yoko Taro is gaming’s Shakespeare, Da Vinci, and Welles, all rolled into one.”
Hopefully, Square Enix gives players an update on when the PC fixes will be out soon. Despite the statement to Eurogamer, Square Enix hasn’t provided any more information on these fixes.
Featured image via Flickr/MrRiddell.