Another year, another dollar, and another massive limited time multi-day Steam Summer Sale has yet again come looking for that dollar. But don’t worry: With up to 80% off on big-name titles, there’s no better time to put that dollar into steam; you’ll get a lot more for it than you will after the sale ends on July 5th.
Today’s Best Deals:
The Division ($10) occupies a good chunk of today’s main page – for good reason. The title is currently being offered at a jaw-dropping 80% discount, lowering the price to a staggering $10. Although many have touted the game as your standard shooter-looter fare, top steam reviews sing the product’s praises, speaking of its atmospheric and interesting setting. But the title’s biggest feature has always been its “Dark Zone” – a PvP lawless badlands where other players risk the loot they carry on entry. For those not interested in PvP, steam reviewers have also stated that there’s plenty of versus Environment content to keep you interested.
Killing Floor 2 ($12) was everything players of the first title could have hoped for a sequel. The new game brought enhanced graphical fidelity, new enemy types and dynamic, destructible lighting while preserving everything that made the first title a hit – for example, how much impact you feel when you fire off one of the game’s booming shotgun and carefully remove the torso from an incoming Zed. The game also has a new twelve-player versus mode that offers a second team of six control over the infected mutants.
Just Cause 3 ($4.50) is now on sale for the same price as a medium Cafe Mocha from Starbucks. If you get more enjoyment out of it than a 12oz caffinated beverage, you’ve gotten your money’s worth. While this third-person open-world romp isn’t very challenging, it is quite theraputic, as the game’s wingsuit flight is among the most engaging and interesting methods of traversing a digital world that I personally have ever experienced, up there with swinging around New York in your choice of Spider-Man game. It’s also surprisingly well optimized, with impressive draw distances and some fantastic looking explosions. A lot better looking than that Cafe Mocha you would have gotten by spending that $4.50 elsewhere.
(Personal Note) The deluxe edition, including all DLC, is also on sale for $6.75. I would not recommend this version because the DLC introduces poorly balanced options that remove a lot of creativity from the base game.
(Dear Editor: I don’t know if the above personal note is appropriate or too unprofessional. Change / remove at your discretion)
Broforce ($3.74) is that couch co-op game you’ve been looking for. It’s a pixelated romp through a humorously stereotypical action movie backdrop, where up to four players take control of tiny cartoon versions of popular action heroes and go to town on a wide assortment of baddies. The best part: Each of the 30+ action hero characters are randomly selected on spawn, so you never know who you’ll be playing as next.
Dark Souls III ($15) joins the sale lineup for any who feel they haven’t punched enough walls today. While some fans complain that the second title failed to capture the soul (pun intended) of the original, they have praised the third entry as a return to form. If you’re feeling starved for more content, pack on all the game’s downloadable offerings for another $10 with the deluxe edition. Just make sure your soul can survive the onslaught.
Featured Image Via Flickr / Woodleywonderworks