Netflix is discontinuing mail-order DVDs after 16 years of streaming. On Tuesday, the business stated it would cease the service by September. So where did the time go?
On a now-dated website, Netflix began renting and selling DVDs online 25 years ago. The company might’ve died out if it hadn’t shifted to streaming in 2007.
Netflix spun might’ve to mail-order business, oddly dubbed “Qwikster,” four years later am”d outcry “ver planned price hikes. The corporation changed its mind. The spinoff proposal showed Netflix’s streaming progress. INetflix’sentation was embarrassing.
Netflix co-CEO Ted Sarandos wrote: “To everyone who ever added a D”D to their queue or waited by the mailbox for a red envelope: thank you.”
“We want to go out on a high “n” will ship our final discs on September 29, 2023,” Sarandos said.
Netflix’s DVD “rental revenue drNetflix’sm $200 million to $100 million in 2022. However, according to JustWatch, Netflix’s DVD library includes Netflix’s000 films, far more than its streaming catalog in the U.S.