The world-renowned video game company Nintendo is notoriously protective of its intellectual property, particularly in relation to its cherished Pokémon franchise. Pocketpair, creator of...
An Overview of Marvel’s Competitors Players everywhere are becoming antsy for Marvel’s newest project, “Marvel’s Rivals.” Fans of the brand are waiting with bated...
The much anticipated “Stray” is finally coming to the Nintendo Switch. Since its announcement, this adventure game focused on cats has enthralled gamers; now,...
With Gaming Informer’s sudden collapse, the video gaming industry suffered a major setback. Because of its status as one of the longest-running and most...
Looking to boost your K/D Ratio with some fancy new noise cancelling headphones? Hear the click-clack of a fancy mechanical keyboard beneath your fingers?...
Aliens: Colonial Marines didn’t have the most glamorous of launches. Marred by a number of issues including noticeable downgrades from previous demos, odd pacing...
The past decade has seen some spectacularly poor launch performances in gaming. Among those most talked about are the infamous Lawbreakers and the underwhelming...
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